LinkedIn lead generation and outreach is one of the top ways to grow a B2B business from scratch.

But there are many that say it simply doesn’t work!

So does LinkedIn outreach really work?

The Standard Approach

The reason many say that LinkedIn outreach doesn’t work, is because they approach it all wrong.

It’s All “Me, Me, Me”

Look, we know you love your product.

We know you think you’re God’s gift to your niche in B2B.

But the reality is, even if that is true, your prospects just don’t care.

They want to know how it will benefit THEM.

This is the most important part of any kind of marketing or outreach.

Focus on benefits and focus on THEM more than you focus on yourself and your product or service.

If you scan your messages and you say “I” or “me” more than once or twice – rewrite the message now.

Speaking Like a Robot

The best outreach is value-based; it offers something of value to the person receiving the message.

If this isn’t the case, then it will be ignored and deleted.

Many messages I get in LinkedIn feel like a robot wrote them.

Hello sir, I have a service, you should hire me, let me know your thoughts.

This is the worst way to approach outreach.

Outreach is about two or more humans starting a conversation about a potential (keyword POTENTIAL) offer of value.

You can’t jump in and just offer some robotic, boring paragraph that doesn’t go anywhere or offer anything.

You Need to Stand Out in Your LinkedIn Outreach

“Zig when everyone else zags”

You need to bring something unique to the table in your prospect’s saturated LinkedIn message inbox.

The standard approaches have been used, taught, and overused to a point where no one will take it seriously.

A few tips:

  • Offer value in the form of a free video audit, webinar invitation or a blog post – keep the selling to a minimum
  • Include a personalized image or video to show you really are doing your research and want them as a client
  • Craft an offer that your target audience can’t refuse

Look at your offer and your business and ask yourself: am I a “me too” business? What is my unique offer and value proposition to the market?

If you can’t answer that, or your unique value is something your target prospects don’t care about – you’ve lost before you’ve begun and no amount of outreach will fix it.


LinkedIn outreach works.

But your offer and your approach have to hint at serious value that your prospect doesn’t want to miss out on.

Don’t think that volume will beat quality.

Make sure you’re getting replies and closing deals before you scale things up.

Start small, test your market, and get to know your ideal client profile (ICP) and your unique sales proposition (USP).

At the end of the day, knowing your audience is the best thing you can do. Focus on that more than anything else.

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